Embark on a voyage of discovery through classical, contemporary art and lifestyle, touched by genius.

Our History



Cottage Industries Exposition Ltd was established in 1978 as an export-trading house.

The small business, possibly worth a few lakhs then, is today a thriving business worth billions in silk carpets alone. CIE's network of luxury outlets are spread across the world at key tourist locations like in Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Mauritius, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and many cities in India.


Presently, the group is expanding by leaps and bounds

Creative art forms unique to a culture awaken greater appreciation for the skills and heritage of a race. Understanding and celebrating the rich dimensions of the diversity of the people of Islam greatly helped The Group make the transition from manufacturer to benefactor, from patron to curator.

This could not have been possible without the fluid minds and equally fluid hands of our artist and craftsmen who, by creating works that epitomize human quest for perfection, gave us the opportunity to metamorphose.

With its origins in India, the land of legends; The Group acquired historic palaces, fortresses and mansions across the subcontinent to house the legendary emporia Cottage Industries Exposition Ltd. Here every jewel, precious pieces of art, from pre or post Mughal era found its home, each piece enhanced in the right setting!


Best of the luxury under one roof...

Even to remain static in today’s world requires fluid approach. Seeking new horizons calls for vision on a global scale...

The Emerging Trends: Though driven by tradition yet an enterprise must make business sense to survive. International analysts and The Group’s designers constantly innovate to ensure that a hundred thousand creative artisans are kept informed of emerging trends to stay in vogue.

Our passion for what we do transfers into our ability to serve others...

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